Configure your platform to deliver the optimal value

Optimize licenses to boost revenue, identify new sales opportunities, educate your customers on features, and uncover new insights.

Where can Cloud Optik and Broadsoft take your business? From platform
configuration to new sales opportunities, we can get you on the right path.

Targeted Function: Finance/Operations

Profile Review

Easily find and review System, Enterprise, Group and User configuration settings.

Summary Analysis

Evaluate roll-up summaries of license, feature and user info.

Platform Comparison

Quickly compare platform configuration settings to other Broadsoft providers or non-Broadsoft platforms.

Targeted Function: Finance/Operations

License Alignment

Reduce costs with improved alignment between licenses purchased from Broadsoft vs customer configuration.

Customer Revenue

Identify lost revenue opportunities through over provisioned or under billed customers.

Targeted Function: Sales/Marketing

Product Education

Deliver an elevated customer experience by enhancing product awareness.


Use customer training to improve product usage and gain added value from your product.

Journey Mapping

Plan the customer journey beyond existing solutions to elevate your relationship and become a better trusted advisor.

Targeted Function: Sales/Marketing

Marketing Content

Create higher quality content to enable sales people.

Add Revenue

Increase average revenue per user (ARPU) through additional features and solutions.


Identify opportunities to sell related products or services.

Targeted Function: All Functions

Device Summary

Device insights to help drive better customer decision making.


Better understand customer technology environments to offer more targeted solution recommendations. (Fiber locations, email platform, etc).

Location Based Info

Use location information to better define customer and prospecting opportunities.

Big Data

Identify trends across products, industries, customers, etc to drive better sales outcomes.

Proud to be a part of the network

Harness the Power of Your Data

SmartProfile is here to help with data and insights to guide your path into the future.

The Steps Towards


Platform Configuration

Connect, Extract, Organize your
Broadsoft Configuration Data.


License Optimization

Pinpoint where Broadsoft licenses
have been overbought by the
Service Provider, or over provisioned
to individual customers


Customer Education

Identifies features that aren’t being
utilized by a customer, as well as
high value features that a customer
should be using frequently


Sales Enablement

SmartProfile enables Service
Providers to see across their
customer base to better
understand valuable patterns
in the features being sold and
used by specific customers


New Insights

Are you uncovering new insights to
continually improve your business?